

The CPQ promotes economic growth and rational consideration of the respective advantages of different forms of transportation.

Road congestion produces visible effects such as delays and pollution, but also has more indirect effects such as significant reductions in economic competitiveness.

A 3rd link between the North and South shores in the Quebec City region is essential. The CPQ rejects the costly tunnel project in favour of building a new bridge east of Quebec City.

The tramway which does not have sufficient support. should be put on hold, and replaced in the interim by free public transportation for the entire region.

The CPQ will promote the extraction of natural gas in Quebec and its use for winter heating at competitive prices. This will free up the electrical capacity required for large fleets of electric vehicles.


  • Fossil fuels account for 56% of energy consumption in Quebec, while electricity accounts for 36%. Hydro-Quebec's energy surpluses (18 TWh in 2019) represent about 3% of Quebec's annual electricity consumption. This amount is only sufficient to increase the share of electricity in the province's energy balance from 36% to 40%, not to mention the fact that Hydro-Quebec is negotiating to sell some of this surplus to the northeastern United States.
  • Heating with natural gas instead of electricity would allow Quebec to free up a significant amount of electricity and would facilitate the electrification of other sectors of our economy.
  • Quebec's electrical potential is estimated at just over 80,000 MW, double what is currently being The entire Quebec economy could be powered by harnessing all of Quebec's rivers, rapids, and waterfalls, but social and political pressures and the aquatic reserve status of large rivers are likely to remain barriers to achieving any such objective.
  • In addition, electrical energy has some disadvantages: unlike fossil fuels, which can be stored, electricity has to be used when it is produced, and produced when it is needed.
  • CO2 accounts for more than three quarters of greenhouse gas emissions and the transportation sector is by far the largest contributor.
  • The manufacture of electric vehicles requires the input of strategic minerals (copper, nickel, lithium, etc.) for which both price and demand are increasing.


  • The CPQ promotes economic growth and rational consideration of the advantages and disadvantages of different forms of transportation.
  • We always consider the needs of the elderly, of families, and of people in more rural areas who are more dependent on their cars for travel and shopping.
  • Market mechanisms are far more proficient than any government interventionism or economic protectionist efforts at identifying the entrepreneurs developing the best technologies and the most cost-effective processes.


Traffic congestion in the Quebec City area must be reduced. In addition to the daily inconvenience, this congestion leads to increased pollution and losses in economic efficiency.

A 3rd link between the North and South shores is needed for the sake of the quality of life of residents and for the economic development of the National Capital Region.

A 3rd link will allow for the development of rail and marine networks in the industrial sectors of the South Shore. This will address current issues related to air quality, noise impacts and the growth of trucking in urban residential areas.

The bypass planned in the 1970s was never completed, and large trucks can no longer drive on the old Quebec City bridge.

The present government's tunnel project is far too expensive and lacks any backing by public studies. Furthermore, it would not allow for the transport of dangerous goods.

In its place, the CPQ favours construction of a new bridge connecting the South Shore with the east side of lie d'Orleans, in line with the bridge that already links the other side of the island to the North Shore. This is the most economical solution, and it will produce benefits for the entire region. Since the North Shore Bridge is at the end of its life and planning has already begun for its replacement. it is reasonable to use the same concept for a second bridge to the south. The road linking the two bridges should be designed to eliminate any nuisance to Islanders.


Delivering this 3rd link at the lowest possible cost.


In 2021. the estimated costs of the tramway were revised upwards by more than 20%, turning it into a $4 billion project. At $207 million per kilometre according to current estimates. It would be the most expensive tram in the world.

This tramway project has never been the subject of any transparent public debate and has therefore never received any clearly expressed democratic support. The most recent public opinion surveys indicate that a clear majority of citizens in the Quebec City region are opposed to the project.

The proposed tramway would have multiple detrimental impacts on the urban fabric of Quebec City: a raised concrete slab. a network of electrical wires and the felling of more than 1000 mature trees. The loss of more than 1,200 parking spaces will seriously penalize motorists as well as the many businesses that will become more difficult to access.

The tramway project adds nothing to the existing supply of public transport in Quebec City: for the most part. the tramway will simply duplicate the Metrobus lines that are already working very well.

The projected increases in ridership are entirely hypothetical. as public transit use in Quebec City, like everywhere else. has declined significantly since the beginning of the health crisis. Furthermore. the project specifications do not account for the impacts telecommuting will have on the region's public transport needs in the future.

With a top speed of only 21 km/h. the proposed tram will travel even more slowly than today's buses. a fact which is certainly not likely to encourage its use.

The project also faces questions related to the winter conditions in Quebec City. Similar issues affecting the Ottawa tramway provide cause for worry. Moreover. the current configuration of the project suggests a major possibility of serious problems related to snow removal from the tramway lane.

For all these reasons. it seems obvious that the present tramway project does not fit well at all with what Quebec City and the surrounding regions need for their development.


Placing a moratorium on the tramway project, which needs to be re-evaluated from top to bottom.



The CPQ is proposing to make public transit free in the Quebec City region. This would be a pilot project that would run for several years, enough time to evaluate user-interest.

Free public transportation is an idea that is gaining ground in Quebec and about a dozen municipalities have already implemented it. In France, more than one city in four has already chosen this option.

The CPQ is proposing a moratorium of several years in which to rethink the tramway project. During this period, it makes sense to propose some bold alternatives for public transit in the Quebec City region. The most appropriate measure is implementation of a pilot project providing free public transportation to the Quebec City region. In order to promote interconnection between the South Shore and the North Shore, we propose to include Levis in this pilot project and, in keeping with this spirit of cooperation, it would be logical also to include the Portneuf, Boischatel and Cote-de-Beaupre-lie d'Orleans public transit networks.

According to the most recent data, making travel free in the Quebec City region would require an investment of about $80 million ($69 million for Quebec City and $6.5 million for Levis, to which must be added a few million for Boischatel and Cote-de-Beaupre-lie d'Orleans). This is a very modest sum in comparison with the $4 billion expenditure planned for the tramway (which does not account for probable cost overruns and unforeseen maintenance costs).

Unlike the tramway, which would take at least six years to build, free public transportation can be introduced without delay, allowing citizens to benefit from it immediately.

Making travel free will increase the speed of the buses by eliminating the payment stage of boarding.

In addition, the program will reduce administration costs for the Quebec City and Levis transit systems by eliminating the management of user fees.

Free transit would put money back into the pockets of our low-income citizens, many of whom use public transportation exclusively. Based on the price of a regular monthly pass, this would represent an annual savings of approximately $1000 per person.

At various times of day, buses in much of the Quebec City area run empty. Taxpayers are therefore paying for a service that is underused. Making it free would allow us to measure the population's true interest in public transit. If people do not use it even when it is free, they will probably not use other forms of public transportation either. Conversely, if the free pilot project leads to a significant increase in the use of public transport. we can draw useful conclusions for future development of the network.

This pilot project may serve as an inspiration, leading the way for similar programs in other cities in Quebec.


Making public transport completely free as a pilot project for the Quebec City region.



The CPQ is in favour of the electrification of transportation and is committed to financing this progressively by harnessing our natural gas resources following the example of Norway, a country that has had great success in becoming one of the most electrified countries in Europe through responsible and judicious use of its oil and gas resources.

From an economic perspective, Quebec enjoys a comparative advantage due to low-cost hydroelectricity.

This can function as a driver of Quebec's energy autonomy, because we both control our electricity production, and possess the expertise necessary to increase it.

The electrification of transport will make it possible to drastically reduce not only greenhouse gas emissions, but also the particulates hazardous to the health of our urban citizens. Electric vehicles such as buses, light trucks and SUVs also offer new possibilities for urban development. especially near busy highways and boulevards.

A CPQ government will implement favourable legislative, fiscal, and economic frameworks to help our entrepreneurs remain competitive.

We must embark on this path in a responsible manner, without making hasty decisions or getting caught up in fads. Electrification of the various forms of transportation must proceed in step with achievement of the necessary economic and technological preconditions.

Quebec possesses many natural resources that serve as inputs to the production of electric transportation, and the coming conversion will provide a stimulus for entrepreneurs in all regions of the province. Electrification will lead to increased demand for electricity generation as well as for the manufacture of batteries and other electrical equipment.

However, Quebec is already experiencing a labour shortage with respect to electrical and electronic engineers and technicians. We must therefore make a real effort to increase training in these areas.

The main obstacle to the electrification of transportation is Hydro-Quebec's capacity to produce electricity. Steady increases in electrically powered private vehicles and public transport. not to mention in our electricity exports, will require either building new dams, which is a longer-term option, or the conversion of some portion of our heating to natural gas. Otherwise, the winter peak may force people to choose between heating their homes or driving their electric cars!

Only the CPQ possesses the will and vision needed to surmount these obstacles. The use of competitively priced natural gas must be encouraged for winter heating, and to do this we will have to tap into Quebec's available natural gas. Known reserves will be sufficient to meet our needs for at least the next 40 years and would require only a small number of new pipelines. This solution for our future is both realistic and desirable.


The progressive electrification of transportation and to financing    it    by harnessing our natural gas resources.



Speed limits do not motivate motorists to reduce their driving speeds.

Artificially low speed limits are becoming an excuse to give out tickets in order to finance governments.

Speed limits on highways in Alberta, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Ontario have all been set at 110 km/h.


  • Adopting the 85th percentile rule, which states that the speed limit on roads should not be lower than the speed at which 85% of motorists travel on average.
  • Installing intelligent road signs on major highways to vary the speed limit on Quebec highways in accordance with changing conditions.
  • Raising the speed limit to 120 km/h where road conditions and lighting allow this to be done safely.