Our Compass
Our values are the fundamental and lasting foundation of the Conservative Party of Quebec. A statement of our values answers this question: What will make Québec progress? When we tell our friends or our children what is important to us and to what end we choose to spend our time, we are speaking about our values.
Our values are the foundation of the Party and its supporters. They come before the leader, before the members of the National Assembly, and before the Party officials. They weather the changes in our society and the ups and downs of the daily news.
Our values set us apart from other parties but this is not why we assert them. We claim them because they make us what we are, they say who we are, and they are what count for us.
We will defend them with passion. They are the core of our political action, the prime motive of what we do.
These values will become the measure we use to evaluate our performance: our successes, our failures, and the engagement of our supporters and candidates.
We, the members of the Conservative Party of Québec, Quebecers of diverse horizons, believe in these fundamental principles. These principles are our "compass"; they guide and orient the political actions of our Party, allow us to select our candidates, rally our members, and define our vision of Québec.
Individual Rights and freedoms
Individual freedom is the founding political principle of the Conservative Party of Quebec. Individual freedom is what allows us to live in a prosperous society and to make choices that allow each of us to reach our goals.
We defend individual rights and freedoms against the infringements of the State. Freedom is not so much a matter of exercising one’s will as it is not to be forced to submit to the will of others. For this reason, when a government takes action, it must always ask itself if that action increases or limits individual freedoms. Since a free society is made up of free individuals, the government should be at the service of the freedoms of the individual to guarantee the freedom of the collective. We uphold the rights of the individual to act and to respect the freedoms of others. The State must trust in its citizens and should not exert coercive powers on them beyond the limits of the civil, penal, and criminal codes.
The responsibility of each citizen
The corollary to individual rights and freedoms are individual responsibilities and obligations. It is up to each citizen to provide for their own needs, those of their family and of the people in their charge. Free citizens fulfill their obligations and assume the responsibility of the choices they make and the consequences of their actions without expecting the State to perform these duties for them.
A Market Economy
We want to encourage economic activity. We believe that this can be done by a market economy that is a free exchange between consenting individuals and businesses. It is not the State’s role to take the place of private business or to tell its citizens where to work, how to save, and what to produce or build. Instead, the State should develop an environment that allows competition to thrive, favors innovation, and benefits consumers. Private property and an independent justice system are the backbone of a free market.
An essential and circumscribed role for the State.
The government has an essential role. We do not hold, however, that statism is an effective solution to all problems.
The main purpose of the State is to protect individual rights and freedoms, administer civil, criminal and penal law, invest in public infrastructure, protect the health and safety of its citizens in case of natural catastrophes, and create the conditions that allow its citizens to thrive. The State and private charitable organizations must help those in need and those who cannot take care of their own needs. This help is guided by the ultimate goal of making its recipients autonomous when this is possible. Those institutions of civil society, such as the family, charitable organizations (religious or secular), community organizations or cooperatives are generally in a better position than the State to help the more vulnerable in society.
Regulations may be necessary as guidelines, but they must not control markets to the smallest detail nor must they obstruct a free and flourishing market. The State does not accord privileges or encourage individuals and businesses to become dependent. When the State must act on behalf of its citizens, resources and decisional power are delegated to those organizations that are in proximity to its beneficiaries.
To fulfill its mission, the State must be sufficiently financed by taxes that do not discourage investment and labour. The State administers the taxes of Quebecers as a trustee of public goods. It manages public finances in a healthy manner, balances the budget and keeps public debt is in line with citizens’ capacity to reimburse the debt. It respects the principle of intergenerational equity.
The principle of the rule of law gives citizens and corporations protection against the arbitrariness of the State. The rule of law includes, amongst other things, the equality of all under the law.
A State in service of Quebecers
Members of the National Assembly represent their electorate first and foremost. They must serve their voters in an ethical and honest way. Their duties to their voters come before their duties to the Party. The purpose of the government, MNAs, and civil servants is to serve Quebecers. As such, they must act in a manner that is open, transparent and accountable.
Trust in Quebecers
While change and the need to adapt, conflicts, and even catastrophes are bound to appear, we envision the future with the conviction that Quebecers will be free to exercise their right to happiness and prosperity. We believe in the ingenuity and sense of initiative of Quebecers when they are free to act in their own interests to find solutions to the many challenges that face them. With the right incentives, the majority will take dynamic, productive and often audacious action.
Quebec is a part of Canada and it must have full exercise of its rights and constitutional freedom to develop. Quebecers must have a place in a Canada that allows them to assert their identity.
We are convinced that Quebecers, open to the world, have the genius and the potential to project their talents across the planet.
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